Freaky Cheap Fridays! $229
(361) 945-5867 skydiving San Antonio
ALL Skydivers must be 18, (of legal age to sign your OWN release in the United States.) No Exceptions.
Skydivers over 65 *should* consult a doctor unless you are still quite "Spry!"
We will NOT guarantee appointments for persons over 230 lbs. However, you may "walk in" and allow us to look you over and decide whether it's safe to jump with you.
Do NOT "EXPECT" to jump if over 230lbs!
(Over 250? You will NOT JUMP)
Many factors, including wind, parachute size, physical condition, "girth", age/ fitness of available instructors, etc contribute to our decisions on how heavy to consider.
You & Your Instructor will be wearing TWO parachutes: a primary (main) and a Reserve. The reserve is inspected and recertified for use every 6 months by an FAA Licensed Technician.
Usually. We try our best to have two instructors available every day, allowing two jump-pairs on each flight if they are of allowable weights.
If an instructor is sick or has some other scheduling issue, don't worry-- your friends/ family will be right there on the ground watching your experience and your landing as it happens!
***Must bring your own "Micro SD" card to get raw-footage only.
***Edited Packages will be delivered via Email AND/ OR Text within 24 Hours
If the weather prevents skydiving, you will NOT be charged! We don't do "rain checks"--- we simply let you keep your money!!
However, just because it's raining where you live, DON'T ASSUME it's also raining on Mustang Island! Just call us before you leave home for our opinion on the day's weather: